The Top 5 Mistakes You are MakingThat are Destroying The Climate

The truth without political agenda

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Newsflash: We are in a climate crisis.

You probably don't need any more justification or rationalization to see it for yourself. It's everywhere. We see devastation caused by floods, massive wildfires, melting glaciers, and more – all of which severely damage our natural resources and give wildlife no place to call home.

In this special report, you are going to hear the truth about climate change. Unlike other sources, this comes with no political agenda or desire to sway news ratings. The information you are offered today is based on science and observations, with no underlying motive other than to highlight the most common mistakes people make that destroy the environment. The fact is that most people don't even know it.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this information with you today. I am a lawyer and a mechanical/electrical engineer. In my work as an engineer, I accidentally discovered a possible solution to slow down climate change. I’m going to share that story with you.

The purpose of this report is to highlight significant mistakes human beings are making that are destroying the environment – and they are NOT what you think.

The great news is that once you understand these mistakes, you will forever have your eyes open and be able to attempt to do something to fix our climate.

I have dedicated my life to show you that you do matter... and your choices have an opportunity to create a more significant impact than you will ever know.

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The truth is,

climate change is on us

all of us

– as human beings

and as a human society



“Big Oil” and the global fossil fuel industry is sometimes the easy target to blame for climate change. Granted, they may be to blame for many of the modern ills in the world, which I will not even begin to ferret out in this summary, but they are not to be blamed for climate change.

The truth is, climate change is on us – all of us – as human beings and as a human society.

I am inviting you into a conversation that places you as the victim, the accused, and the hero because there is a new paradigm emerging where all three are actually one and the same. We need to solve this together, for all of us.

Imagine what will happen when millions of people adopt this same paradigm? What would it look like if people owned and began to take responsibility for their role in this issue?

The world would truly shift into a paradise of possibility. Change could then happen.

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We have to start thinking about energy

in a whole new way.



This is also a popularbelief that is widely promoted. In fact, you probably have not been able to pick up a newspaper or read an article on the Internet about climate change that does not involve the conversation around turning cars to electric. Electric vehicles have been heralded as the savior for our planet.

While having a zero-emission car or vehicle is very beneficial to the environment, almost no one talks about what it takes to build an electric vehicle or where the electricity to charge the vehicle comes from (fossil fuels).

Let me lay it out for you. For an electric vehicle to run, it needs a lithium battery. Well, that lithium needs to be mined from Planet Earth. The machinery that it takes to drill into the earth and extract the lithium and ship it for processing requires the burning of fossil fuels. A lot of it.

Even if the entire world banded together to turn every car into an electric vehicle, we would still face the high cost of using fossil fuels to make it happen and the continued destruction to the environment.

This is not to say that electric cars should not be in existence, but we should begin to understand the true costs.

To stop climate change, we have to start thinking outside the box of what we know to produce energy. If certain things are not taken into account, electric vehicles will add to the devastation of the climate, from the burning of fossil fuels in creating these vehicles and to the disposing of the batteries.

We have to start thinking about energy in a whole new way.



When you try to solve the problem with the wrong solutions, you will never solve the problem. And that, unfortunately, is where we are today.

None of the solutions imposed by governments, industries, for-profit sectors, and nonprofit sectors are working effectively because the climate is decaying and being destroyed faster than ever. We know this because the changing weather patterns are becoming more and more evident and extreme.

If any of the aforementioned solutions were effective, we would see at least a small climate improvement. We wouldn't see these horrifying data results. But every day, we are pumping money into federal laws or a rebuild of an infrastructure that requires the earth's resources to create those solutions. These only contribute to the climate crisis.

When trying to solve the problem with the wrong solutions, we are not only barking up the wrong tree butwe are playing with a ticking time bomb. We have no more time to dilly-dally, or pretend as though this will get better or solve itself.

Up to now, we collectively didn’t know what to do, so no one should be blamed. But now, we have a solution that I’ll share in a moment.

At this point, the faster and sooner we wake up to this reality, the faster all of us will be able to make desperately needed change.

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Everything we do produces black carbon.



This is the biggest mistake of them all. Now, this mistake is one that you might not have heard of, but it is impacting every part of your daily life – from the air that you breathe to the water that you drink to the temperature and weather in your city. Everything we do produces black carbon. Everything!

So, what is black carbon? Black carbon, or soot, is part of fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) that is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are not burned completely, effectively, or efficiently. If you have ever seen the pictures of the glaciers that are now covered in this black soot, you have seen firsthand the results of black carbon.

These glaciers are part of the earth's ecosystem – an essential part. Unfortunately, we are destroying them. This is catastrophic! The glaciers are being destroyed because whenever we burn fossil fuels, which unfortunately, we must do as a human society, an excess amount of black carbon is released into the atmosphere.

So, when a car, jet, bus, or helicopter does what it does and goes where it needs to go, excessive amounts of black carbon are released into the atmosphere. It goes up into our sky, into our clouds. It comes down in the rain. We are breathing it. It has contributed greatly to human respiratory deaths.

When the black carbon emitted from the atmosphere falls onto the glacier, this glacier can no longer reflect the light and heat from the sun as it should. It now absorbs the light and heat because the black carbon absorbs the sunlight.

The sunlight absorbed by the glacier increases its temperature, and it begins to melt. The melting of the glaciers is one of the most horrific impacts humans have had on earth.

The glaciers’ melting destroys a crucial part of the earth's ecosystem. A natural and perfect balance between temperature, light, and water is upset.

When these glaciers melt, there is less ice. The ice turns into water, which raises sea levels. New sea level lines are being redrawn as we speak.

As our sea levels rise, this changes the topography of the earth.

Black carbon is the cause of most of the destruction on the planet. It must be addressed in any climate change solution.

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This mistake is new to most people. In fact, I only learned about it a few years ago. I accidentally created a technology that could cut in half the black carbon emitted from diesel engines. After further study, I’ve learned that it can do the same thing for just about everything that burns fuel.

This technology is a game-changer for our entire planet. We will never persuade humans to stop driving their cars, taking hot showers, traveling on planes, visiting relatives, or going on vacations. It won’t work.

And we’re wasting our time if we are waiting for governments to pass laws that people will agree on and follow.

Humans are starving for energy. We have an insatiable appetite, and it's not going away any time soon.


To Our Bright, Beautiful Future on Earth,

Don Owens

Author, Burn Fuel Better

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